Complete Rebuilding

A complete restoration of the piano, including new parts.

Rebuilding is needed when the piano has deteriorated past the point of reconditioning. Rebuilding can be either partial or complete. John can tell you if your piano needs reconditioning or rebuilding.

Rebuilding can make a piano like-new, or even better than new. It is often less expensive to rebuild a well-made piano than to buy a brand-new piano. And the rebuilt piano can be customized to out-perform new pianos on the showroom floor.

Why is this? Simply put, a skilled piano rebuilder can customize anything on a piano. A piano factory has a product that sells and works for its marketing plan. An artisan can take a few extra steps and transform a usable piano into something of pure musical pleasure.

For instance, soundboards can be replaced with a new one that is better designed and better built. A piano’s action can be modified so that every key plays incredibly smoothly. Factories get it close, but an artisan can do it better.

John can put you in touch with a person who specializes in complete rebuilding.